суббота, 9 февраля 2013 г.

регистрация телефона на андроид маркете

Come on Google break the mould a little.

I thought this dude from palm would have a more visible effect on Google by now. UI is so important and IOS proved it. Microsoft took a while to come around to the idea and now look at them. Windows 8 is a bold blend of metro and the aged windows UI and i can see it replacing or at least evolving windows into a much better UI for the future.

Grey seems to at the heart of the Google UI (Bar Honeycomb) rethink but I think it needs to be softened just a tad.

too much grey i think, but otherwise looks good

Looks and feels slick! I love it!

I still think it looks great and I’ll be installing it right away regardless of what it resembles, there’s an APK of here: http://www.multiupload.com/QJ2DVLJJ5X

I agree with your other points regarding the words and colours though.

It’s mainly just the big squares that remind of tiles from WP7 and perhaps how it now combines Books & Movies a bit like how the WP7 Marketplace shows Music as well. And as you pointed out it has a search button as well!

It has a search button on screen too!

It doesnвІ t contain words that wrap off the screen.

It doesnвІ t contain stark colours.

Seen a few replies like this on articles for the new Market, it honestly looks like trollingвІV

I quite like it, looks very polished. It does remind me of Metro UI from WP7 a tad.

Doesn’t that look nice? A proper refresh.

Read some of the thinking behind the decisions over on the , or get the developer perspective at . And there’s a video of it in action below…

It’s one heck of a radical redesign. Sadly, the US version of the Market app will come with more exciting things we won’t see, incorporating support for Books and Videos – two features yet to make it out of the US.

The new design features a few design references we’ve already seen in the excellent Google+ Android app, with coloured tabs letting you know where you are – plus similar sections to those found on the Android Market’s desktop web site.

Another entirely new redesign of the mobile Android Market interface is about to launch, with Google promising the new phone layout will start to hit Android 2.2 devices and higher “in the coming weeks”.

Google redesigns Android Market mobile phone app once again | Eurodroid

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